Throughout the '30s, America experienced the worst depression in its history. When Democratic candidate Roosevelt took over, he focused on fixing the American economy. As a result, America endorsed isolationist policies in world affairs.
The Depression laid seeds for WWII
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The rise of dictator fascists in Europe, namely in Italy and Germany, and their desire to restore their nation's former glories would eventually lead to WW2. As war raged across several fronts, the Allied powers became desperate for supplies.
Hitler and Mussolini
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The Lend-Lease Act allowed the U.S. government to lease (not sell) their manufactured supplies to any nation that was "vital to the defense of the United States." As a result, an innumberable amount of tanks, planes, grain, ammunition, etc., were shipped.
While the Lend-Lease arguably turned the tide of the war, it was very controversial on both domestic and international fronts. It sparked intense debate across congress and the Allied powers: To what extent should the US help? Will Germany declare war?
Lend-Leased Russian Tank
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"Give us the tools and we will finish the job."
~ Winston Churchill, British Premier.
Joseph Politi, Ella Forkin, and Slade Forkin
The Point of No Return: The U.S., Allied Powers, and Lend-Lease
Group Website, Senior Category
Website Word Count: 1197
Multimedia Length: 2:36 minutes
Process Paper Word Count: 491